Halloween Candy Popcorn

Halloween Candy Popcorn


This Halloween candy popcorn mix is perfect for your next Hallo-Fest or spooky movie night. Using the Tasty Popcorn Popper makes this a super easy and fun snack. It’s the perfect way to use up leftover Halloween candy!

Cook Time
3 minutes
Total Time
5 minutes
4 servings

How to Make It

1. Step
Add the popcorn kernels to the bowl of the Tasty Popcorn Popper. Cover, then add 1 tablespoon of the butter to the lid.
2. Step
Microwave for 2½–3 minutes, or until there are a few seconds between pops. Remove from the microwave and let cool for 5 minutes.
3. Step
In a microwave-safe bowl, microwave the remaining tablespoon of butter for about 30 seconds, until melted. Add the green food coloring and sugar and mix well.
4. Step
Pour the green butter into the popper bowl while shaking to distribute evenly.
5. Step
Add the candy corn, pretzel sticks, chocolate pieces and gummy worms to the popcorn. Cover with the lid again and shake to distribute the candy.
6. Step
Serve immediately.
7. Step


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