Spiced Chicken Stuffed Buns

Spiced Chicken Stuffed Buns

Cook Time
Total Time
12 servingss

How to Make It

1. Step
For the buns: First, warm milk by placing it in the microwave for 20 seconds or so. Add sugar to milk and mix well.
2. Step
Then, add in the active dry yeast and set aside for 10 minutes. The yeast should have "ballooned" by this time and be frothy.
3. Step
Add 1 cup (125 G) all purpose flour and 1 cup (125 G) whole wheat flour to a bowl and then add the milk/yeast mixture to it. Mix with a wooden spoon.
4. Step
Then, add in 1 (one) egg, salt and melted butter.
5. Step
Add in the other 2 cups (250 G) of wheat flour and mix well. At this point you can set the spoon aside and use your hands to knead the dough.
6. Step
When the dough is slightly tacky, place it in a large greased bowl. Wrap bowl with plastic wrap. Place a warmed towel over it and place in a dark dry place for 1 hour to proof.
7. Step
While the dough is proving, you can make the filling as follows:
8. Step
For the filling, first chop the onion and add it to a pan over a medium flame with the oil. Let saute for about 10 minutes, mixing as needed with a spatula.
9. Step
Chop the garlic and grate the ginger and then add these to the sauteing onion. Saute another 2 minutes or so. Then, push the onion mix to the side of the pan and add in the chicken.
10. Step
Sprinkle in the smoked paprika, coriander, cumin and turmeric and saute until all the liquid from the chicken has evaporated.
11. Step
Then, add in the tomato paste and salt and stir well. Add in the salt and pepper and chili powder if using. Season further to taste.
12. Step
Then add in the peas, saute another 2 minutes and set aside to cool a bit.
13. Step
To assemble the buns: When the dough has proofed and has doubled in size, remove the plastic wrap and towel and punch dough down. Then, split dough in 2. Wrap one part with plastic to keep moist and spread the other one out using a rolling pin.
14. Step
Use a bowl to cut circles into dough. Into each dough circle, spoon 2 or so tablespoons of filling.
15. Step
Seal the buns by flipping the sides over the filling and pinching them together. Then lay buns down, with sealed side on the bottom on a parchment lined baking tray. Repeat until all the dough and filling are used up.
16. Step
Preheat the oven to 175 degrees°F, place a damp towel over the stuffed buns and place them in the oven to proof for another 30 minutes. When they are done, they should be slightly bigger. At this point, remoove them from the oven and preheat the oven to 375 degrees °F.
17. Step
Beat the remaining egg and brush it over the buns.
18. Step
Sprinkle buns with sesame seeds and place in oven for 20-22 minutes.
19. Step
Finally, enjoy warm or at room temperature.
20. Step
*Note:* Buns can be reheated by placing in a 350 degree oven for 10-15 minutes.


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